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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog

Bark News

Do people really choose dogs that look like them?

by Renee Jernigan 29 Jul 2022
Dog owners look like their dogs - true or false?

There's a popular saying, "dogs are (wo)man's best friend". They're (often) treated as a member of the family and they can be our best friends. The pandemic lockdowns showed us how much dogs relieve loneliness, give us a reason to get out and exercise and socialise, and there's never been a time like it where adopting a dog was in such high demand ... rescue dogs, breeders, everywhere was in short supply!

For some, dogs are like our own kids. We get it! Gus is our kid, and without him we would be a couple, but with him, we're a family!

Here are more reasons why humans love dogs - watch the video below!

One thing we've always found fascinating, is how often people look like their dogs! Have you noticed that, too?!

According to a study by ITCH, humans, particularly men, are drawn to choose pets that they feel look like them. That's not always happening consciously, often subconsciously we're picking the dog that looks like us! BUT 12% of men admitted that they did in fact choose a dog (or cat!) because of the resemblance that pet had with them. 

So, why do people choose dogs that look like them? 

A.) Familiarity

Nakajima, a psychologist who conducted research on dog-owner resemblance, said that people choose a dog who they believe looks like them because they want to feel familiar. Interesting!

B.) Imprinting

A number of psychologists have stated that people choose dogs who they think look like them because they want to ensure that "their genes are generally compatible with their own." BBC

Check out these pics of people who look like their pets ... perhaps they morph into each other over time?!!

Whether it's their colouring, facial expressions, or even their posture, these pics are fascinating!


"There is comfort in seeing yourself look back at you. It's kind of like a mutual dependency," animal behaviourist, Peter Neville said.


Rocky and Farag 

Rocky and Farag

 Erik and Fari

Erik and Fari

 Donia and Cookie

Donia and Cookie

Liam and Luna

Liam and Luna

 Em and Monty

Em and Monty

Duncan and dog

Duncan and dog

Ladies in white

Ladies in white

Marv and Sally

Marv and Sally

If you're up for more interesting human-dog relationships, we've written a blog titled, 'Do dogs and humans mirror each others emotions, behaviour and mood?' You can read that here!

For exclusive offers and interesting dog tips and tricks, make sure that you are subscribed to our VIP pack to get the latest Bark News here!

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