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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog
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🏳️‍🌈 Celebrate Pride With Your Dog

Bark News

A day in the life of Chief Canine Officer, Gus!

by Renee Jernigan 24 Aug 2022
A day in the life of Gus Let's Pawty

We get asked all the time what we feed Gus, what his exercise regime is, and occasionally even what his social life is like (given that we're pawty organisers, maybe people wonder if Gus parties every weekend?!!!) so we thought he should share it all with you, so here's "a day in the life of Gus ... Let's Pawty's Chief Canine Officer!"

Chief Cavoodle Gus of Let's Pawty

Hi, I'm Gus, and I've been my pawrents light and bundle of joy ever since my gotcha day, so they built their (well OURS, really!) pawty planning and dog toys and accessories business to honour and celebrate ME for the amazing Cavoodle that I am! Apparently I bring them joy every day, and in honour of all my fellow dogs who give their people so much unconditional love - we all deserve to be celebrated, pampered and rewarded! So, here's what I get up to on a regular day ... 


At 7:15am, Renee, Claire and I head off for our first walk of the day, to our favourite café. They grab their morning coffees, I have a pupicino, and I get to do my morning business on the way there and back, which consists of checking and replying to pee-mails, lots of back kicking on the grass to ensure my suburb friends know that I've been by here and some occasional barking as required.  

Cavoodle Gus

Usually I get to see my buddy Billy at the cafe where we share some treats and on the way home we stop by and say hello to Matt the Labrador and we grab a treat together too! I really love my Ziwi air-dried dog food made in NZ! 

After that, we go home and have breakfast ... I have scrambled eggs and other goodies my Mums feed me!


Cavoodle Gus

At lunchtime, Mama Nay Nay takes me for a sniff walk, so she can stretch her legs, and so I can take the lead and enjoy the scenery (and the smellery!) then at around 5pm, we all go for another walk ... I just love my time with my favourite humans!

Throughout the day I do like a few treats, and of course I have my favourites that we sell right her at Let's Pawty HQ, like Tasty Weiner Turkey treat and the Turmeric Chicken treat. Mmmm mmm I do love being the chief taste tester, too! 🐶 My Mums love enriching my life so they oftentimes hide treats for me around the house, they also use my sniff and find mat that my Mums make. Sniffing and finding my food is great for mental stimulation and helps prevent boredom, so they tell me. They like to mix it up for me so occasionally, I will get treats in empty egg cartons or even toilet rolls so I can "work" for my treats.


At 6pm, it's dinner time, and while I'm not fussy, I do have a few favourites! I love a raw patty and some veggies, too, and often they'll throw in a little more ziwi 'cause geeez I love that stuff!

I like it that Renee and Claire mix it up a little; they really do like to make mealtimes as exciting as possible for me. Thank goodness they're not those sorts of pawrents who just feed me dry biscuits once a day, as that would not make a happy Gus!
So, sometimes I like fresh air-dried balls, sometimes fish, and other times, I like a little fresh lamb or mincemeat. I like that they change it up, just like they do with their own meals!

After dinner, we'll cuddle on the couch - just the three of us! That's one of my favourite times of day. Of course, I do like a little treat while we're watching a movie before bed, so if you haven't tried the dog-friendly version of popcorn, then buy one of these gift boxes and get excited! All my favourite movie-goodies are in there! 

Because us dogs only deserve the best, the Let's Pawty dog treat collection has been carefully curated by Renee and Claire using Australian manufacturers who specialise in offering high quality dog treats, long lasting chews and hard baked goods for your dog ... and I'm the chief taste-tester, so I can vouch they're all utterly pawsome.

I've recommended some of my favourite treats in the picture below - you can find them all here! And if you've got more questions about what I get up to, follow us on our socials, and you can see what my friends are up to, too! 

Gus recommended treats that are safe for dogs

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